Amaka and Yetunde, two friends in medical school from different tribes, find their lives upended through their mutual friendship as their relationships culminate in Yetunde’s mysterious disappearance in a hospital. The police, led by the experienced, weary Inspector Babajide seeks to find out what happened to Yetunde. Amaka’s quest to find her lost friend leads her to encounter a long-forgotten, sinister legend that threatens to destroy all that she has known and loved. CHIMERA is a novella of African magic and mystery that takes readers deep into the enigmas of the human mind clashing with an ancient culture.
About Chinaza Eziaghighala
Chinaza Eziaghighala is a medical doctor and storyteller. She is a University of Iowa International Writing Program, Voodoonauts, and EbonyLife Creative Academy alum. She has appeared in the British Science Fiction Association’s (BSFA) Fission #2, Volume 1 anthology, Mythaxis, Planet Scumm, Metastellar, BrittlePaper, Afritondo, and BSFA’s Focus. She diversifies her writing by working as a screenwriter for TV and film and also moonlights as a budding film development executive. In her free time, she enjoys mobile photography, meditation, dancing, and spending time with loved ones, because she is a human being, not a human doing.
- Paperback: 120 pages
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: 978-1-944286-37-8
Also available as an ebook.