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The Twilight Isle

Blood, Sweat, and Fears

Dark days bring wrathful shadows.

Fiss’Q, working with her Sylvan friend, Sarithea, as well as Darha Lohai, the mysterious Shadowmancer, tries to liberate the wicked Obsidian Island. There, Fiss’Q confronts the ruthless and brutal Triumvirate, an alliance of three powerful Slavelords of Uriokh—the mighty Efram Redblade, renowned swordsman and former gladiator, Tio Avanarri, wily merchant, and the fanatical Marna Rothgild, high priestess of Mistressa, the Lady of Chains. The Twilight Isle continues the Southland adventures of Fiss’Q, as she seeks to bring lasting justice and freedom to the corrupt and decadent cities of Old Soria, one by one. Can Fiss’Q hope to defeat this deadly trio of adversaries, while her own manipulative master, the Prince of Shadows, looks on with ever-growing fascination?

Sagas of Irth 6

Dane Vale lives in Chicagoland, where he conjures up Sword & Sorcery and Fantasy fiction when he’s not relentlessly critiquing his twin brother’s Science Fiction writing. He owns at least one spear, a war hammer, and a rapier, and is an avid reader and student of history. He dodges drunk texts from Dionysus, and believes that there should be far more megaliths in America. He cooks Italian food with verve, has a spirit-bond with wolves and crows. His favorite cities are Bronze Age Knossos, Iron Age Carthage, Medieval Constantinople, Renaissance Venice, and Paris at any time.

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  • Paperback: 330 pages 
  • Publisher: Nosetouch Press (July 5, 2022)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-944286-22-4
  • Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.5 x 8.5 inches

Also available as an ebook.

The Twilight Isle (Sagas of Irth, #6)