Trent Roman is a Canadian writer and academic interested in speculative fiction of all sorts, currently completing a dissertation on the origins of disaster fiction.
He is a recipient of the Chester Macnaghten Prize in creative writing, and his short fiction has appeared from independent press venues in Canada, the US, the UK, Australia and South Africa. You can find out about new and upcoming projects on his blog.

Trent Roman is a Canadian writer and academic interested in speculative fiction of all sorts, currently completing a dissertation on the origins of disaster fiction.
He is a recipient of the Chester Macnaghten Prize in creative writing, and his short fiction has appeared from independent press venues in Canada, the US, the UK, Australia and South Africa. You can find out about new and upcoming projects on his blog.

What’s your Zodiac sign?
What’s your favorite thing from the 1970s and why?
Probably my favourite thing about the 70s is the imaginative and often psychedelic science-fiction movies of that decade; filmmakers weren’t afraid to go wild with their visions of the future.
What is your favorite 1970s horror movie? What do you like about it?
My favourite horror film of the 70s is Romero’s “Dawn of the Dead”. Classic zombie action with incisive social critique.
What is your favorite 1970s song?
Led Zeppelin, “Kashmir”
Choose one: Rock, Power Pop, Disco, or Punk. Explain your decision!
Rock! See above.
What do you dread most about the 1970s?
Nixon. Or, more specifically, the prospect of Zombie Nixon. Shudder.
Choose one: Plaid, polyester, denim or satin. Explain your choice!
Denim. There’s work to be done!
What upcoming projects are you working on?
Some upcoming projects include more urban horror/fantasy in the anthology “Another Place,” two straight-up fantasy pieces appearing in the first volume of “Myriad Lands” and “New Legends,” and a science-fiction story in an anthology of near-future stories from Darkhouse Books.

Nosetouch Press proudly presents our Zodiac-themed merchandise to get you into the groove with our highly anticipated anthology: Blood, Sweat, and Fears: Horror Inspired by the 1970s. We're talking far out t-shirts, beer steins, and more, man! Drop by and dig all the far out merch we've got!