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REVIEW: Jupiter Ascending

REVIEW: Jupiter Ascending

I finally got around to catching the Wachowskis grandiose bomb of a movie, Jupiter Ascending. After blowing it off in the theaters (along with most of the world), and wanting to watch something OTHER than the new Star Wars movie, I picked up Jupiter Ascending,...
REVIEW: Interstellar

REVIEW: Interstellar

I finally got around to catching INTERSTELLAR after having avoiding it when it was released. I can’t exactly say why I avoided it, since I usually flock to any decent-looking Science Fiction when I see it, but some combination of the Christopher Nolan-level of...
REVIEW: Ex Machina

REVIEW: Ex Machina

I approached Ex Machina with some trepidation, because I read Alex Garland’s The Beach long ago, and thought the novel had more hype behind it than actual substance, and felt like the book didn’t quite carry out the promise of its premise. When he vaulted...