DAMIEN B. RAPHAEL is a writer who lives and works in Oxfordshire, England. His work has appeared in The Ghastling and AHH! That’s What I Call Horror: An Anthology of ’90s Horror. You can find him on Instagram as @damienbraphael.
The Fiends in the Furrows III: Final Harvest
“As the Thing is Needed”
What do you like most about Folk Horror?
I live in an area that’s steeped in folk weirdness. There’s an ancient stone circle nearby, and stories about places having (at one point in time) enough witches to draw a wagon of hay up a hill. I like how folk horror feels so closeby and tangible, and how its fabricated lore and rituals feel only a stone’s throw from reality.
What inspired you to write your FIENDS III story?
I remember reading an article about folk healers in Eastern Poland and really liked the idea of such a healer coming over to England and imparting their knowledge to a new generation.
What upcoming projects are you working on?
I’m working on a new folk horror story, and am halfway through a new novel.
THE FIENDS IN THE FURROWS III: FINAL HARVEST is a collection of nineteen stories embodying the menacing essence of Folk Horror.
Folk Horror fans will uncover in these short stories tales of rampant rural monstrosity and agrarian horror within rustic settings, where dread sinks its roots deep into the earth to bring forth a bountiful crop of unforgettable terrors.
Nosetouch Press is proud to present THE FIENDS IN THE FURROWS III: FINAL HARVEST to horror readers everywhere.