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Wax & Wane: D.T. Neal

Wax & Wane: D.T. Neal

D. T. Neal is a fiction writer and editor, a lifelong Midwesterner, and resident of Chicago since 1993. He won second place in the Aeon Award in 2008 for his short story, “Aegis,” and has had his short fiction published in Albedo 1, Ireland’s premier magazine of...
Wicked Witch: Bene Gesserit

Wicked Witch: Bene Gesserit

The Bene Gesserit: The Cunning Coven The Bene Gesserit sisterhood of Frank Herbert’s science fiction masterpiece, DUNE, are a potent force who are certainly viewed as witches in that universe, so, we’re including them. Plus, they’re just cool. Quoth...
Wicked Witch: Willow

Wicked Witch: Willow

Willow Rosenberg: Mouthy Witch Willow Rosenberg (Alyson Hannigan) was ultimately the resident gay witch sidekick in Joss Whedon’s popular BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER series. Willow originates as a fairly shy sort of character. But, she evolved into a more complex...
Wicked Witch: Ursula

Wicked Witch: Ursula

Ursula: The Divine Sea Witch Ursula, the villain from Disney’s THE LITTLE MERMAID, is a gleefully malevolent sea witch, attended to by her eel minions/familiars (?) Flotsam and Jetsam. She vamps her way through the story, causing a lot of trouble in her bid to...
Wicked Witch: Jadis

Wicked Witch: Jadis

Jadis: The White Witch Jadis is the fabled White Witch of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (CS Lewis). She was wonderfully visualized by the ever-ethereal Tilda Swinton in the cinematic rendering of that book. She was one of the first witches I remember reading...